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Franklin, Tennessee News & Breaking Stories

Texas A&M football exhibit debuts at Bush Library
  • 10th Sep 2023

Texas A&M football exhibit debuts at Bush Library

The George H.W. Bush Library and Museum in Texas has opened an exhibit dedicated to the history of Texas A&M football. The exhibit features over 100 original artifacts, including trophies, playbooks, and Heisman Trophies. It also includes interactive displays highlighting important games and profiles of standout players and coaches. The exhibit aims to showcase the spirit and traditions of Texas A&M football.

Texas A&M football exhibit premieres at Bush Library
  • 3rd Sep 2023

Texas A&M football exhibit premieres at Bush Library

Former Texas A&M quarterback Johnny Manziel gifted a signed helmet and football to former President George H.W. Bush. The items are now part of an exhibit at the Bush Library and Museum dedicated to the history of A&M football.

What news can we find under Franklin, Tennessee News Section?

Ever wondered what's happening in the charming city of Franklin, Tennessee? Dive-in with me for a quick trip around this historical town's recent happenings. Let's discover together and get to know Franklin better.

From news about local events like festivals and parades, to spotlight on notable residents doing something special – are you thirsty for some fresh updates? Want to peek into where history breathes amidst modern living? Then exploring Franklin’s vibrant lifestyle through its rich news content is right up your alley!

Franklin indeed has so much going live each day, it’s as if there’s action playing out 24/7! Education reforms, upgrades planned in parks or roads - whether small changes or large-scale developments - don't these things make us feel part of something bigger?

"What are the councilors up to?", you may wonder. How about civic issues being tackled by city hall? Boom—you got it! Franklin politics covered from A-Z is also under your fingertips!

In case crime-related stories raise your adrenaline—no worries—there's no shortage here too. But don’t let that fret you, after all isn’t facing ups-and-downs truly the heart & soul of any thriving community?

The culture lovers among us can count on engaging articles surrounding arts: theater plays coming up at The Factory, new exhibitions at art crawl- we’ve got it all! Plus foodies or shopaholics need not feel left-out either; spotlights on newly opened restaurants or fashion boutiques keep their hearts fluttering.

Intriguing narratives woven round businesses funnel swift energy too; would 'new start-ups blossoming' pique someone’s interest perchance? Might be yours...who knows!

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