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'Nick Singleton, Kaytron Allen: Boosting Penn State Football in 2023'

Sophomore running backs Nick Singleton and Kaytron Allen are expected to have a breakout season for Penn State football.

Nick Singleton and Kaytron Allen, two sophomore running backs for the Penn State football team, are poised to make a major impact this season. Coaches, teammates, and those close to them believe that they will be even better than they were last year, when they were already considered the best freshman running back combination in the country. The goal for Singleton and Allen is to become the first Penn State teammates to rush for over 1,000 yards each in the same season, a feat that hasn't been accomplished since Curtis Enis and Aaron Harris did it 26 years ago.

To achieve this, Singleton and Allen have been working on expanding their skills as running backs. They will be more involved in the passing game this season, much like former Penn State star Saquon Barkley was in his second and third seasons. By developing their receiving skills, they will not only increase their impact on the offense but also help the team as a whole.

In addition to their improved receiving abilities, coordinator Mike Yurcich plans to use Singleton and Allen together in the backfield more often. This will make it harder for defenses to key in on either player and provide more options for the offense. For example, they could line up Singleton as a slot receiver, drawing a slower linebacker in coverage, and then either pass the ball to him or hand it off to Allen depending on how the defense reacts.

Last year, Singleton and Allen were limited in what they could do on the field because they were still learning how to be running backs in the Big Ten. But now, with a year of experience under their belts, they are ready to take on more responsibility and be more creative in their play. Their trainer, Dane Miller, believes that the coaching staff will get very creative with them in the offense this season.

Singleton and Allen have different running styles, but they have both made improvements in their game. Singleton, known for his strength and weightlifting abilities, had to learn how to use more than just his physicality to be effective at the college level. Allen, on the other hand, focused on reshaping his body and losing weight while maintaining his speed and explosiveness.

Both players have also become better at reading defensive alignments and making quick decisions on the field. This will allow them to be more decisive when running the ball and make them appear faster through the line of scrimmage. Head coach James Franklin has noticed their progress and believes that they are not only faster physically but also mentally, as they have a better understanding of the playbook and college defenses.

Another factor that will contribute to Singleton and Allen's success this season is the improved offensive line. This may be the deepest and most talented offensive line that Penn State has had in years, which will provide better blocking and open up more opportunities for big plays.

Overall, Singleton and Allen are expected to be even more explosive and productive this season. Singleton set a freshman record last year with 1,061 rushing yards and 12 touchdowns, while Allen gained 867 yards and scored 10 times. They will be looking to improve on those numbers and have a greater impact against their biggest rivals, Michigan and Ohio State.

In conclusion, Singleton and Allen are poised to be the dynamic duo of the Penn State football team this season. With their improved skills, increased involvement in the passing game, and better understanding of the game, they are ready to take their game to the next level. Fans can expect to see explosive plays and big performances from these two talented running backs as they lead the team on the field.

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