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Epic Games News & Breaking Stories

  • 20th Sep 2023

"Claim Your Share of $245 Million Fortnite Refund, FTC Announces; Step-by-Step Guide to File a Claim"

Fortnite players who made unwanted purchases can now apply for a refund as part of a $520 million settlement with Epic Games. The Federal Trade Commission has started notifying 37 million people who may be eligible for a refund. The settlement was reached in 2022 after allegations that Epic used deceptive practices and violated children's privacy laws. Consumers have until January 17, 2024, to submit a claim. The refund amount will depend on the number of claims filed. Epic Games has implemented measures to prevent unintended purchases.

What news can we find under Epic Games News Section?

A Deep Dive into Epic Games' Latest Buzz

Ever found yourself wondering what's cooking in the bustling kitchen of Epic Games? Well, let me serve you the hottest dish on this gaming giant's menu. From under-the-radar indie game drops to massive updates on their crown jewel, Fortnite, there’s a virtual feast of news awaiting gamers and industry watchers alike!

Hold up, did someone say 'freebies'? You bet! Perplexity and burstiness aside, we're all here for Epic Games’ lip-smacking weekly giveaway of games that have us hitting that download button faster than you can say "Jack Robinson". Then there’s the intriguing Unreal Engine – your inner techie should definitely be buzzing about the jaw-dropping announcements related to its advancements.

Gossip has it (and by gossip I mean well-informed sources), that Epic is not just spearheading innovations but also wrangling with other big names like Apple over app store policies. They’ve got chutzpah, folks! Plus, insider scoops hint at transformative collaborations that might just flip our digital worlds upside down.

Talking shop: It isn’t it cool how they've turned their platform into a stage for budding developers? Talk about empowering creativity!

All aboard the speculation train: What lies ahead for battle royale aficionados? Can we expect new modes, wearables or perhaps some mind-bending crossover events? Whatever it may be; rest assured – any news on Epic Games promises to stir up some serious buzz amongst its ardent followers and curious observers.

So keep an ear to the ground or better yet… stay tuned right here. Why scour endless feeds when you could kick back and catch up with all things epic in one exhilarating read? Now tell me - are you ready to jump back into the game with these electrifying developments spurring us forward? Outfits equipped and downloads complete — Let’s see where EPIC takes us next!

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