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Apple Reverses Decision to Terminate Epic Games Developer Accounts

Apple reverses decision to terminate Epic Games' developer accounts, complying with EU's Digital Markets Act, allowing third-party apps on platforms.

In a surprising twist, Apple has decided to backtrack on its decision to terminate Epic Games' developer accounts on its services. As per an update on the Epic Games blog, Apple has confirmed that Epic Games' developer account will be reinstated.

Earlier this week, Apple had cut off the developer accounts for Epic Games after Epic boss Tim Sweeny criticized Apple's business practices on Twitter. This move came after the European Union's directive for Apple to allow third-party apps and app stores on its platforms.

According to Bloomberg's Mark Gurman, Apple was compelled to comply with the European Union's Digital Markets Act (DMA) policies, leading to Epic Sweden signing the developer agreement and being accepted into Apple's Developer Program.

Epic Games released a statement saying, "Apple has assured the European Commission that they will restore our developer account. This shows developers that the European Commission will take swift action to enforce the Digital Markets Act and hold gatekeepers accountable. We are proceeding as planned to launch the Epic Games Store and bring Fortnite back to iOS in Europe. Onward!"

The DMA referenced by Epic Games positions Apple as a gatekeeper required to allow other apps and app stores on its platforms. Despite Apple's ownership of its platform, the law aims to prevent a single entity from monopolizing the distribution of apps, content, or information on a platform. Failure to reverse its decision would have put Apple in violation of the DMA, resulting in significant fines if it wished to continue operating in Europe.

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