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Brady Gun Control Group Launches New Falsehood on CNN News

Brady United President Kris Brown spreads false information about gun owners, while the firearm industry promotes safety and responsible gun ownership.

Kris Brown, the President of Brady United, along with her gun control activist allies, have been spreading misinformation about law-abiding gun owners and the firearms industry in America. Instead of supporting the Second Amendment and law enforcement efforts to crack down on criminals, they are resorting to lies to push an anti-gun agenda.

One recent example of Brown's dishonesty was during a CNN segment discussing Hollywood's promotion of safe firearm storage. Brown made a false claim about children dying due to unsecured firearms in the home, which was not fact-checked by CNN. This tactic is used to manipulate emotions and advance their agenda.

Brady United has been trying to recruit Hollywood executives to help sell more gun control, as Americans continue to exercise their Second Amendment rights. Brown has been pushing for more gun control efforts in the entertainment industry to shape public opinion and behavior.

Despite their efforts, the gun control movement continues to manipulate data and statistics to fit their narrative. The claim that gun violence is the leading cause of death for children has been debunked by The Washington Post. It is essential for advocates like Brown to ensure they have accurate data before making public appearances.

Promoting safe firearm storage is crucial for responsible gun ownership, and the firearm industry supports this initiative. Programs like Project ChildSafe provide free firearm safety kits to prevent accidents and keep guns out of the wrong hands. The industry's commitment to safety has led to a decrease in unintentional firearm accidents over the years.

The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) is dedicated to promoting and protecting hunting and shooting sports. With thousands of members nationwide, NSSF works to ensure that Constitutional rights are upheld while promoting safety and responsible gun ownership. Their initiatives have had a positive impact on reducing firearm tragedies and making communities safer. It is important for advocates like Kris Brown, CNN, and Hollywood to recognize the efforts of the firearm industry in promoting safety and responsible gun ownership.

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