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Mother's Day 2024: Date and Celebration Guide

Mother's Day is a special day filled with traditions and celebrations, with U.S. consumers spending a record $35.7 billion in 2023.

Mother's Day is a special occasion that holds different meanings for everyone. Some may choose to gift flowers or jewelry, while others opt for a nice meal or a heartfelt phone call. In fact, Mother's Day sees a surge in phone calls, with more calls made on this day than almost any other day of the year.

The significance of Mother's Day is evident in the staggering $35.7 billion spent by U.S. consumers on Mother's Day-related purchases in 2023, as reported by the National Retail Federation. This demonstrates the importance people place on celebrating this day.

Mother's Day is observed every second Sunday of May, with the upcoming date falling on Sunday, May 12, 2024. In Mexico, Mother's Day, known as Día de las Madres, is celebrated on May 10 each year. This day is marked by family reunions, traditional dishes, and singing, honoring the queens of the home.

The roots of Mother's Day in the U.S. can be traced back to Anna Jarvis, who was inspired by her mother, Ann Reeves Jarvis, an activist during the Civil War. Anna worked tirelessly to establish Mother's Day as a national holiday, with the first celebration taking place in 1908 in West Virginia. President Woodrow Wilson officially declared Mother's Day a national holiday in 1914.

Despite her efforts to promote motherhood, Anna Jarvis later opposed the commercialization of Mother's Day and fought against businesses profiting from the holiday. Versions of Mother's Day have existed under different names throughout history, including "Mother's Friendship Day" and "Mother's Day for Peace."

Mother's Day holds a special place in the hearts of many, with traditions and celebrations varying across cultures and regions. Whether it's a heartfelt phone call, a family gathering, or a simple gesture of appreciation, Mother's Day is a day to honor and celebrate the remarkable women who have shaped our lives.

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