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Young Sheldon delivers long-awaited shock CBS show nears finish

"Young Sheldon" delivers a gut-punch as Sheldon's father dies, setting up emotional two-part series finale on May 16.

In the recent episode of "Young Sheldon," viewers were left reeling as the beloved character's father tragically passed away. The emotional impact of this event was heightened by the fact that George Sr. had just received a career-changing opportunity to coach college football at Rice University in Houston.

Executive producer Steve Holland explained that the decision to have this pivotal moment occur now, rather than in the final two episodes, was to allow the characters to properly process and deal with the aftermath in the upcoming series finale. This thoughtful approach was suggested by series co-creator Chuck Lorre, who wanted to balance the show's comedic tone with moments of genuine emotion.

The death of Sheldon's father had been alluded to in "The Big Bang Theory," but the full impact of this loss is now being explored in "Young Sheldon." Despite the sadness of this event, there is a sense of closure and resolution as the series comes to an end.

While "Young Sheldon" may be wrapping up, fans can look forward to a new spinoff featuring the characters of Georgie and Mandy in the future. This continuation of the Cooper family saga adds an interesting layer to the show's legacy, showcasing the enduring appeal of these characters.

Overall, the focus of the "Young Sheldon" finale was on delivering a strong and satisfying conclusion to the series. The producers were dedicated to providing a meaningful ending that honored the characters and their journey, leaving viewers with a sense of closure and fulfillment.

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