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Uncanny Experience Year End Roundups

"Spotify Wrapped confirms you're the star of your internet." Year-end roundups provide a burst of accomplishment and personal reflection.

Spotify Wrapped has become a popular feature that confirms to users that they are the main character of their internet. Year-end roundups, such as the ones provided by various online services and sites, have become a pleasing phenomenon for users. These roundups, which summarize users' activities over the year, have been a trend for several years, but have gained even more popularity since Spotify's shareable Spotify Wrapped feature took off. Companies of all kinds, from food delivery services to retirement plan providers, have been delivering personalized or aggregate year-end data to their users.

Tinder's "year in swipe" roundup, which highlighted "main character energy," is just one example of how these personalized features confirm to users that they are the stars of their internet. These features allow users to see their personality and preferences reflected back at them, and while they can sometimes reveal unflattering truths, they also provide a sense of accomplishment and allow users to embrace the mundanities of their private lives.

The internet as a whole is becoming more personalized, with users at the center of their online experiences. The fragmented nature of the internet means that popular content is being consumed at an astounding scale, yet popularity and celebrity feel siloed. Holding up a mirror to users' online activities once a year may spur some reflection on how they live online.

In the spirit of year-end indulgence, it's worth noting that everyone's Spotify Sound Town, genre sandwich, and top artists are unique to them. These year-end features provide a burst of accomplishment and allow users to see themselves as the main character of their internet. Happy holidays!

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