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The Exorcist (novel) News & Breaking Stories

  • 31st Aug 2023

"Taylor Swift movie: Theater release coincides with new 'Exorcist' film"

Taylor Swift's concert movie and the horror film "Exorcist: Believer" will both be released on October 13, drawing comparisons to the summer's "Barbenheimer" movie combo trend. Fans have taken to social media with the hashtag #Exorswift, sparking excitement and anticipation for the double feature.

What news can we find under The Exorcist (novel) News Section?

Have you ever dived into the enthralling world of 'The Exorcist'?

The Exorcist, a novel that effortlessly blurs the lines between horror and reality. Pioneered by William Peter Blatty, this masterpiece has been an unforgettable presence in popular culture since its publication in 1971. Just as an artist layers paint on a canvas to create depth and emotion, let's peel back those layers to understand what news content we can find regarding The Exorcist novel.

So what's hot about this classic?

If I asked you to think of "novels turned iconic films,” wouldn't ‘The Exorcist’, probably pop up in your mind? Recently, whispers have resumed about plans for a reboot series based on it. Not only does it probe our curiosity but also prompts us into exploring how contemporary interpretations might bend or honour Blatty’s original narrative. Isn't that thrilling?

Moreover, not many people know that "The Exorcist" is part of a trilogy! Yes! You heard right! In addition to the primal story we all recognize, there are two more parts out there: “Legion” (1983) and "Exorcist III" (1990). Re-discovering them could lead us down fascinating avenues!

'But how relevant is this nearly half-century-old tale today?' ,you ask...

I'd say very much so! Current literature often references The Exorcist when discussing religious belief systems or gender stereotypes in society; cementing its position as far beyond just another ’horror’ product.

Isn't it amazing how stories like 'The Exorcist' continue shaping narratives long after they reach our bookshelves?! Consider picking up 'The Exorcists' again – who knows what secrets still wait for you within its pages?"

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