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Security hacker News & Breaking Stories

Critics say vaccine bill risks children's medical privacy. Real threat or red herring?
  • 6th Nov 2023

Critics say vaccine bill risks children's medical privacy. Real threat or red herring?

California lawmakers are proposing a bill that would collect sensitive health information of schoolchildren exempted from vaccinations due to medical reasons. The proposed data collection has raised concerns about the security and privacy of children's medical data. However, experts argue that the importance of preventing outbreaks and epidemics should be weighed against privacy concerns.

Kevin Mitnick, renowned hacker turned security expert and FBI-wanted felon, passes away at 59
  • 22nd Jul 2023

Kevin Mitnick, renowned hacker turned security expert and FBI-wanted felon, passes away at 59

Kevin Mitnick, the most celebrated US hacker, has died at the age of 59. Mitnick was known for his pioneering antics in the 1980s and 1990s, tricking employees into helping him steal software and services from large phone and tech companies. He was imprisoned for five years until 2000, after which he became a respected cybersecurity professional, public speaker and author. Mitnick died in Las Vegas on 16 July after a 14-month battle with pancreatic cancer.

What news can we find under Security hacker News Section?

Understanding the News Context: Security Hacker

So, we're curious about what kind of news content generally falls under the topic 'Security hacker,' eh? Well, let's break it down!

You know how a locksmith can get into seemingly impenetrable locks? Imagine someone with that skill set but for your computer. That's essentially what a security hacker does! Now are these "cyber locksmiths" always bad guys?No, not exactly.

We often find stories on white-hat hackers - ethical individuals who use their skills to help rather than harm. They seek loopholes in systems and patch them up before the ‘bad guys’ find them — much like a spy double agent!

Still, when you think 'Security Hacker', you’re probably imagining something more sinister, right?

The Dark Side Of The Web

A substantial chunk of news in this domain involves black-hat hackers or rogue agents misusing their prowess for malicious intent.

  • Hacks targeting everything from governments to corporations,

  • Data breaches leaking sensitive user information,

  • Cyberspace warfare between nations, 

  • Crypto scams exploiting vulnerabilities in blockchain technology. 

A Constant Struggle of Cat-And-Mouse

The thrilling part is that this sector evolves rapidly. Each new article brings novel insight as counter-measures improve just like ever-changing locking mechanisms to keep up with intruders—making this one rabbit hole that runs deep!Note: this summary only scratches the surface of potential topics within 'Security Hacker.'

Now then, shall we dive deeper together next time?

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