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Neuroscience News & Breaking Stories

Consider the Impact of Sleep Dysfunction on Huntington's Disease Patients, Experts Say
  • 8th Sep 2023

Consider the Impact of Sleep Dysfunction on Huntington's Disease Patients, Experts Say

A special issue of the Journal of Huntington's Disease has reviewed what is known about sleep and circadian rhythms in Huntington's disease (HD), and what is not known. Sleep disturbances in HD patients are an under-studied field, but there is growing evidence that sleep changes occur early in the clinical course of the disease. Treatment of sleep and circadian disturbances in HD is an unmet need, and intervention studies are needed to investigate the treatment of poor sleep associated with HD.

What news can we find under Neuroscience News Section?

The World of Neuroscience in News

Ever wondered about the mechanics behind a thought or how memory works? Enter the fascinating realm of Neuroscience, a field that connects you to the core processes within your very own mind. But what are some trending issues and discoveries lighting up this domain right now?

If it's cutting edge, astonishing revelations in brain science you're after, then look no further than where stunning innovations meet headlines: neuroscience news.

In recent neuroscience features, hot topics may revolve around understanding degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson’s. Imagine being able to halt their progress entirely! Isn't that something worth exploring with every resource we have? And guess what?! Scientists are already on it.

News reports often detail high-profile studies analyzing therapies using stem cells or tackling groundbreaking research into manipulating neurons. What if we could "correct" our genes related to these conditions? The boundary between science fiction and reality is blurring by day!

Apart from fighting horrific diseases, wouldn’t unlocking secrets enhancing cognitive function be intriguing too?You bet!. Does meditation really increase gray matter density? Is multitasking an illusion created by swiftly shifting attention points rather than simultaneous processing?

We can also find stories engaging with philosophical questions like,"What makes us conscious?" or reflections on how artificial intelligence imitates neural systems for sophisticated algorithms.

Trending technological applications like neuroprosthetics make rounds too –creating miracles restoring lost sensations or mobility!

To Wrap Up...

The world of neuroscience news offers not just painstakingly detailed scientific facts but compels us to journey inward– probing into vast mysteries residing within ourselves. It bridges gritty empirical research with profound existential queries-defining WHO WE ARE at its most fundamental level.

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