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Jared Kushner News & Breaking Stories

Gov. DeSantis appoints Trump admin lawyer as chair of Elections Commission
  • 22nd Sep 2023

Gov. DeSantis appoints Trump admin lawyer as chair of Elections Commission

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has appointed Chad Mizelle, a lawyer who served under former President Donald Trump, as the new Chair of the Florida Elections Commission. Mizelle is the chief legal officer of Affinity Partners, a global investment firm founded by Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner. DeSantis also reappointed two members to the Commission, one of whom donated $50,000 to a super PAC supporting DeSantis' presidential campaign. The appointments are subject to Senate approval.

What news can we find under Jared Kushner News Section?

Unwrapping the Enigma: The Jared Kushner News Reel

Ever wonder what's going on with Jared Kushner, that man who seems to pop in and out of headlines like a political whack-a-mole? When dipping into the news pool under his name, you're bound to find an eclectic mix. From his real estate ventures and policy initiatives during his time in the White House as Senior Advisor, stories about Kushner can range from heady business deals to intricate diplomacy – talk about perplexity!

Kushner often hits the pages for updates on his involvement in Middle East politics. Whether it’s brokering historic peace agreements or discussing foreign investments, he has had quite the hand in shaping U.S.-Middle Eastern relations—no small feat! But hey, don't we all love a multitasker?

Let's not forget that family tree teamed with power players. Married to Ivanka Trump, Kushner's intricately woven into America’s presidential tapestry (thinking more of a complex quilt). Sure, their private lives might be buzzier than a beehive at times but think about it- isn’t that just part of the fascination puzzle?

Intrigued yet?

Bustiness alert! The sheer volume and variety of news covering Jared Kushner's endeavors make keeping up resemble tracking ripples across water—one moment he’s partaking in criminal justice reform discussions; another second he could be splashed across society columns.

"So can one person really wear so many hats?" You may ask... Well if they couldn’t before - evidently, someone didn’t send Kushner that memo!

Piece It All Together: What Makes Jared Tick In The Press?

Diving into articles around him is akin to assembling an ever-shifting jigsaw puzzle where every piece tells its own dynamic tale—a saga brimming with accomplishments, controversies and outright enigmatic doings. Get cozy because whether you’re interested in economic strategies or political page-turners - trudging through this topic is never monotonous; rather it mirrors joining an engrossing conversation mid-way…where tensions are high and stakes even higher!

A final rhetorical musing: Will exploring novel content on Jared earn us mere peeks behind the curtain or full backstage passes? By staying tuned-in one thing's sure—we'll witness quite the show either way!

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