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Health professional News & Breaking Stories

Kaiser strike: thousands sent to picket line
  • 4th Oct 2023

Kaiser strike: thousands sent to picket line

Tens of thousands of healthcare workers have gone on strike at Kaiser Permanente hospitals in four US states over wages and staffing shortages. Picketing began on Wednesday at hospitals in California, Colorado, Oregon, and southwest Washington. The Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions is seeking a 25% raise over four years and a $25-per-hour minimum wage for all workers across the US, while Kaiser has offered a 13%-16% raise over four years and a $23 minimum wage for California workers. The contracts for 75,000 nurses, ER techs, respiratory therapists, dietary workers, and home health aides expired on 30 September.

California Governor Gavin Newsom signs law raising minimum wage for fast food workers to $20 per hour
  • 28th Sep 2023

California Governor Gavin Newsom signs law raising minimum wage for fast food workers to $20 per hour

California fast food workers will receive a minimum wage of $20 per hour starting in April 2022, making it one of the highest in the country. The move reflects the power of labor unions and settles a dispute between labor and business groups. The law also establishes a fast food council with the authority to raise the minimum wage annually. The focus now shifts to a separate bill that would raise the minimum wage for healthcare workers to $25 per hour.

What news can we find under Health professional News Section?

Exploring the News Landscape: Health Professional Insights

Have you ever wondered what types of stories you might discover under the topic of 'Health professional'? One thing's for sure, this category is a treasure trove filled with diverse and intriguing content that keeps on giving! Ready to explore? Let's dive in!

An overwhelming part of news categorized as 'Health professional' revolves around breakthrough medical research and innovative treatment methodologies. We're talking about cutting-edge cancer treatments, pioneering surgical techniques, and groundbreaking medications; doesn't it sound like stepping into an episode of Star Trek?

Beyond scientific advancements though, expect thought-provoking discussions about healthcare ethics. Remember the debates surrounding euthanasia or issues around patient privacy? They too fall within our health professionals' sphere, challenging us to consider where we stand.

You may be thinking - "Doesn't it all sound way over my head"? Trust us when we say some articles are designed specifically with laypeople in mind!

Finding advice on preventive health care from recognized experts isn't something one would shirk away from now, would they? Or intriguing personal narratives highlighting diligent medical professionals battling diseases amidst pandemics – kind of similar to reading a real-life superhero story don’t you think?

In short: wanting cutting-edge science news gets satisfied here but equally so does seeking heartwarming human interest tales. By delving deeper into "Health Professional" tagged news sections., burgeoning interests could range anywhere between neurobiology or naturopathy through pediatric nursing or psychiatry! Unearthing diverse areas across this vast domain promises to keep your curiosity piqued while offering helpful knowledge nuggets along your journey.

This can bring invaluable perspective on how varied intricacies within global healthcare get tackled by those at its forefront..

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