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Desktop computer News & Breaking Stories

Meta Quest 3 shipping in October: Double GPU power and mixed reality features
  • 28th Sep 2023

Meta Quest 3 shipping in October: Double GPU power and mixed reality features

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg confirms that the Meta Quest 3 VR headset will launch on October 10 starting at $499.99. The device features mixed-reality capabilities, improved GPU processing power, and compatibility with over 500 Meta Quest VR and AR experiences. It also offers a customizable fit and multiple color options. The Quest 3 will have over 100 new and upgraded titles by the end of 2023 and will support Xbox Cloud Gaming. The 512GB model includes access to the Meta Quest+ subscription service.

Elon Musk unveils new logo 'X' as a replacement for Twitter's blue bird
  • 24th Jul 2023

Elon Musk unveils new logo 'X' as a replacement for Twitter's blue bird

Elon Musk unveils new "X" logo to replace Twitter's blue bird as part of a major rebranding effort. The move has alienated users and advertisers, leaving Twitter vulnerable to competition. Musk aims to create an "everything app" similar to China's WeChat. Critics argue the rebranding is a risky move that may confuse users and erase brand recognition. However, some analysts believe it could drive engagement and appeal to new audiences.

What news can we find under Desktop computer News Section?

Unveiling the World of Desktop Computers

What’s cookin’ in world of desktop computers,, you ask? Strap in, because we're about to embark on a deep dive into this ever-evolving sphere. Imagine diving into an ocean filled with submarines. These analogy represent how desktops are constantly being upgraded and new models are launched –like submarines popping up all over the place, ain’t that something?

The news content under the topic 'Desktop Computer' is as vast and diverse as our universe itself. From latest model releases announced by tech giants such as Apple, Microsoft or Dell; to updates regarding processor enhancements from power-houses like Intel and AMD– it's always buzzing! Remember when dual-core CPUs were like finding gold? Now we are cruising at 10 or even 16 cores! Boy, do things change!

Are you a sucker for innovative design elements or perhaps geared more towards monstrous computing capabilities? Either way, there will be articles discussing ground-breaking aesthetic changes along with hardware upgrades enhancing performance. Just imagine your beloved gaming session getting better every day - sounds dreamy right?

We've got leaks and speculations too! Ever had those nights where you couldn’t sleep thinking about what could be next thing playing leapfrog game in your computer arrangement? Well... some secret birdies do chirp about possible developments.

Consumer reviews also form critical part of news pertaining to ‘Desktop Computer’. It's more like having chips while watching football – makes everything doubly exciting!

And who can forget debriefing from popular events from CES much-anticipated product launches- it pretty much resembles binging on your favorite series. It doesn't end here folks! Every now-and-then we stumble upon these controversial topics: ethical implications of certain applications, e-waste management etc. Sounds bit serious but they make their own waves! Hope this answers piques your curiosity! So next time when someone asks "What’s new in desktop?" Just give them one sly smile knowing very well -- Everything & Anything!

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