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Carter Center News & Breaking Stories

Grandson of Jimmy Carter provides latest update on health situation
  • 21st Aug 2023

Grandson of Jimmy Carter provides latest update on health situation

Former President Jimmy Carter, 98, is in the "final chapter" of his life, according to his grandson. Carter entered hospice care in February and has faced health scares in recent years. His wife, Rosalynn Carter, who has dementia, still knows her family and is able to form new memories. The couple, married for 77 years, continue to hold hands and are an inspiration to many.

What news can we find under Carter Center News Section?

Exploring the Rich Tapestry of Carter Center News

Ever wonder what's buzzing around Carter Center? I mean, this isn't just any ol' place. It's a hive of activity aiming to wave goodbye to global woes—from wiping out diseases that make you itch and squirm, to making sure leaders play nice during elections—yeah, they're on it! So fasten your seatbelts; we’re about to dive into the kind of news bits popping up under their banner.

First off, let’s talk disease eradication. You might have heard whispers about guinea worm disease—a real nasty critter—that the center has been chasing down since before some of us could tie our shoelaces. And guess what? Cases have dropped faster than coins in a wishing well! But don’t take my word for it; the numbers are there—and boy do they speak volumes!

Moving onto democracy—exciting stuff, right? The Carter Center doesn't just sit back with popcorn watching countries scribble ballots. Nah—they put their boots on the ground.

Digital warriors?

Yup. In today's online jungle, misinformation scurries around like nobody's business. But hold up—the center’s not having any of that! They've got teams dissecting viral hoaxes and defending truth so you can sip your morning coffee without double-guessing every headline. And let me throw another log on the fire: human rights aren't taking a backseat either. Their magnifying glass focuses closely on those sometimes foggy corners where rights might be getting trampled. In sum: "Are health crusaders winning?"

"Is democracy flourishing or flopping?"

"What’s fresh in safeguarding human dignity?"

And lots more sprinkled across headlines! Let’s face it folks: when you click open tabs marked Carter Center, expect stories brimming with humanity and elbow grease striving for a better tomorrow. So keep an eagle eye out 'cause this ain’t no small fry operation—it's heart-thumping heroics crossing finish lines one headline at a time!

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