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Balloon Juice - Late Night Open Thread: Brain Worms

RFK Jr. faces brain worm and mercury poisoning, sparking viral discussion on his fitness for office and celebrity endorsements.

The recent revelations about Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s medical history, as reported by The New York Times, have shed light on a troubling series of health issues that have plagued the presidential candidate. From a tumor on his brain scans to a dead parasite in his head, Kennedy's health struggles have been nothing short of harrowing. In addition to these issues, Kennedy has also battled atrial fibrillation and mercury poisoning, likely from consuming contaminated fish. These conditions have led to cognitive problems, memory loss, and severe brain fog for Kennedy, impacting his ability to function effectively.

Kennedy's medical history has now become a topic of political discussion, as his fitness for office is being called into question. His verbal stumbles and forgetfulness are being scrutinized in light of his long-distance diagnoses of the president. Despite his attempts to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including speaking out against mercury contamination in fish, Kennedy's own health has suffered greatly. The discovery of worms in his brain has added yet another layer of complexity to his medical saga, with experts weighing in on the nature of these parasites and their impact on his health.

As Kennedy navigates these challenging health issues, his candidacy for president hangs in the balance. With endorsements from controversial figures like Kevin Spacey and ongoing scrutiny from the media, Kennedy's political future remains uncertain. The unfolding drama surrounding his health and campaign has captured the attention of the public, raising questions about his ability to lead effectively. Only time will tell how Kennedy's medical history will impact his bid for the presidency and whether he can overcome these obstacles to secure the nomination.

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