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Colin Jost Zingers Heartfelt Grandpa Story White House Correspondents Dinner

Colin Jost roasts Biden and Trump at White House Correspondents' Dinner, jokes about age, Trump's attacks, and his own wife.

Colin Jost took the stage at the 2024 White House Correspondents' Dinner and delivered a keynote roast that left no one unscathed. With President Biden sitting just a few feet away, Jost didn't hold back on poking fun at his age, joking that at 81, Biden remembered the American Revolution and that school newspapers didn't exist when he was in high school.

But Jost saved his harshest jabs for the absent former President Trump. He joked about a scandal involving cocaine found at the White House, quipping that Biden put it to good use for his State of the Union address. He then turned the focus back on Trump, highlighting the irony of Trump's attacks on Biden as both a senile old man and a criminal mastermind.

Jost didn't spare himself or his wife, Scarlett Johansson, from the jokes either. He humorously referred to himself as the "Second Gentleman" in reference to VP Kamala Harris' husband, and encouraged attendees to approach Scarlett, who he claimed "hates privacy."

Surprisingly, Jost ended his set on a touching note, reminiscing about his late grandfather, a Staten Island firefighter who recently passed away at 95. He revealed that his grandfather had voted for decency, emphasizing the importance of decency in the current political climate.

President Biden also brought his own humor to the event, joking about the age difference between himself and his potential opponents in the 2024 election. With lighthearted banter and sharp wit, both Jost and Biden entertained the crowd and highlighted the importance of humor and decency in politics.

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