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Maluma Saweetie Team Legend Team Dan Shay The Voice Mentors Kick Off Playoffs

Maluma and Saweetie join 'The Voice' to mentor contestants, offering advice and encouragement to help them shine in Playoffs.

The Playoffs rounds on season 25 of The Voice kicked off this week, bringing in some heavy hitters to help the coaches narrow down their teams. Team John Legend enlisted the help of Colombian superstar Maluma, a veteran of the franchise who offered valuable advice and encouragement to the contestants. Maluma's tips on performance and setting the mood proved to be instrumental in helping Nathan Chester deliver a powerful cover of the Beatles' "Oh! Darling" and secure a spot in the Live rounds.

Meanwhile, Team Dan + Shay received support from rapper Saweetie, who may have seemed like an unconventional choice but quickly established a great rapport with the female singers on the team. Saweetie's poetic advice and suggestions, such as encouraging more eye contact during performances, helped contestants like Karen Waldrup and Anya True shine on stage and secure their spots in the next round.

The collaboration between the coaches and guest mentors proved to be successful, with contestants like Bryan Olesen, Zoe Levert, Madison Curbelo, and Tae Lewis delivering standout performances and advancing to the next stage of the competition. As the Playoffs continue next week with Team Reba and Team Chance, fans can expect more incredible performances and memorable moments from the talented contestants on The Voice.

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