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Willie Nelson gay cowboy song: 90-year-old country crooner in a new way

Willie Nelson, 90, collaborates with Orville Peck on a gay cowboy duet, moving fans to tears and gaining new listeners.

Can you believe that at 90 years old, Willie Nelson is making waves in pop culture in 2024? In just one week, Nelson has contributed to Beyoncé's record-breaking Cowboy Carter album and released a duet with gay country singer Orville Peck. It's quite impressive for an artist who is about to celebrate his 91st birthday at the end of the month!

Nelson and Peck's collaboration is the first release from Peck's upcoming duets album. Their track is a cover of Ned Sublette's 1981 song "Cowboys Are Frequently Secretly Fond Of Each Other." Interestingly, Nelson had actually recorded a version of this song back in 2006 after the movie Brokeback Mountain brought the concept of gay cowboys into the mainstream.

In the new music video, we get to see a different side of Peck as he ditches the fringed mask but keeps a mask over his eyes. The video features several same-sex couples, emphasizing the message of the song.

Peck has a loyal following among country music fans, but Nelson's involvement has brought this track to a wider audience. Online reactions have been overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing their delight at Nelson's support and reminiscing about his previous cover of the song.

The comments on YouTube range from touching personal stories to expressions of gratitude for the representation in the music video. Many viewers were moved to tears by the emotional impact of the song and video.

Even those who may not typically listen to country music found themselves drawn to the track, appreciating the humanity and emotion that Nelson and Peck bring to the song.

The track has also garnered attention on X, hinting at potential commercial success for both artists and introducing Peck to new audiences. Fans are already eager to see who else will be featured on Peck's upcoming album of duets.

In a week filled with new music releases from queer artists, the collaboration between Willie Nelson and Orville Peck stands out for its emotional depth and universal appeal. Whether you're a fan of country music or not, this track is sure to leave a lasting impact on listeners.

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