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GOP Mike Turner Calls Out His Party for Russian Propaganda on House Floor

GOP Rep. warns of Russian propaganda among House Republicans, but media fear naming names. Let's expose traitors and fight for liberty!

In a recent interview on CNN's "State of the Union," GOP Rep. Mike Turner, the chair of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, called out some of his House Republican colleagues for spreading Russian disinformation. He highlighted the presence of anti-Ukraine and pro-Russia messages, some of which are even being spoken on the House floor. This revelation sheds light on the influence of Russian propaganda within the GOP, with Turner expressing concern about the misinformation being perpetuated by certain members of Congress.

It is alarming to see how Russian propaganda has seeped into the political discourse, with Turner and House Foreign Relations Committee Chair Michael McCaul drawing connections between Russia and other authoritarian leaders like President Xi Jinping of China and Kim Jong Un of North Korea. By failing to address this issue head-on, news organizations risk perpetuating bias in their reporting, ultimately hindering efforts to combat disinformation and uphold democratic values.

The reluctance to hold these Republican members accountable only serves to embolden those who seek to undermine our democracy. Turner's remarks serve as a stark reminder of the dangers posed by the spread of Russian propaganda within the GOP, highlighting the urgent need for greater transparency and accountability within the party. As we navigate these turbulent times, it is imperative that we remain vigilant in the face of disinformation and work together to safeguard the integrity of our democratic institutions.

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