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Buy counterfeit eclipse glasses: where to purchase authentic ones - ExBulletin

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The upcoming solar eclipse on April 8th is drawing closer as the moon moves towards the sun. It is essential to have safe solar viewers to observe this rare event. American Paper Optics is a trusted company that provides authentic solar eclipse glasses approved by the American Astronomical Society.

Counterfeit eclipse glasses flooding the market pose a significant risk to observers, as they can cause severe damage to the eyes. It is crucial to purchase eclipse glasses from a reputable vendor approved by the AAS to ensure safety. To test the authenticity of your glasses, follow the three tests recommended by the AAS.

In addition to the solar eclipse, there will also be a penumbral lunar eclipse and Devil's Comet to observe. Making a pinhole camera is a creative way to safely view the eclipse. Stay updated on the latest news in astronomy and space exploration by following Greg Redfern and Xand's daily blog.

Comparing car insurance quotes online offers numerous benefits, including saving time and money. By comparing quotes from different insurance companies, you can find the best coverage at the most affordable price. Additionally, online comparison tools make it easy to customize your policy to suit your specific needs.

Don't miss out on the latest news and updates in astronomy, space exploration, and car insurance by subscribing to newsletters and following reputable sources. Stay informed and prepared for upcoming celestial events and financial decisions.

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