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Top Prospect Save Red Sox Trevor Story Injury

Boston Red Sox shortstop Trevor Story exits game with shoulder injury after diving for a ground ball, potential call-up for prospect.

Trevor Story of the Boston Red Sox was seen wincing in pain as he walked off the field following a shoulder injury during their game on April 5. The injury occurred in the fourth inning when Mike Trout hit a sharp ground ball towards left field. Story dove for the ball and landed awkwardly on his left shoulder, immediately clutching it in pain. He remained on the ground for a couple of minutes before being helped off the field by the team's manager and athletic training staff.

The severity of Story's shoulder injury will be determined after an MRI on Saturday, but based on his comments to reporters after the game, it seems likely that he will be sidelined for some time. This setback adds to the string of injuries that have plagued Story since he signed with the Red Sox in 2022, limiting his playing time in both 2022 and 2023 due to various health issues.

With Story potentially out of the lineup for an extended period, the Red Sox will need to find a replacement in the infield. Pablo Reyes, who stepped in for Story after his injury, is a natural second baseman but lacks the power hitting presence that Story brings to the lineup. However, there may be a promising solution in the form of prospect Mayer, currently playing for the Portland Sea Dogs. Mayer's MLB arrival is projected for 2024, making him a viable option to fill in for Story during his absence.

Despite the uncertainty surrounding Story's injury and the impact it will have on the Red Sox lineup, the team remains optimistic about finding a suitable replacement and weathering this latest setback in Story's tenure with the team.

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