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Star Wars actor Jake Lloyd mental health rehab ExBulletin

Star Wars child actor Jake Lloyd, now 35, is in mental rehab. Mom shares struggles in exclusive interview. Stay updated!

Jake Lloyd, known for his role as Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, is currently undergoing treatment at a mental rehabilitation center, as revealed by his mother, Lisa Lloyd, in an exclusive interview with Script News. Now 35, Jake has been struggling with mental illness for years, with Lisa sharing her hopes for his recovery.

Reflecting on Jake's journey since his time in Star Wars, Lisa recalled the onset of his problems in high school, noting his confusion about realities and struggles with bipolar disorder. Despite multiple medications and treatments, his condition worsened over time, culminating in a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia.

In 2015, Jake's mental health crisis escalated when he led deputies on a car chase and experienced hallucinations. This led to a full-blown psychotic break in March 2023, prompting his current 18-month stay at a mental health facility. Despite the challenges, Lisa remains hopeful for his progress, noting his improved sociability and positive outlook.

As the 25th anniversary of The Phantom Menace approaches, Lisa's interview sheds light on Jake's ongoing battle with mental illness and his enduring love for the Star Wars franchise. Through it all, she remains a steadfast source of support and encouragement for her son, emphasizing the importance of mental health awareness and treatment.

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