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Silly for New York Fans to Hate Saquon Barkley: Schwartz on The Drive

Saquon Barkley leaves the New York Giants, sparking mixed emotions among fans. Team makes strategic moves post-departure. Read more.

Saquon Barkley's departure from the New York Giants has stirred up a range of emotions among fans. Some are saddened by his exit, recognizing his talent and potential as the 2nd overall pick in the 2018 draft. When healthy, Barkley was a dynamic offensive force, but injuries and a lack of playoff success with the Giants have colored his tenure with disappointment.

Others, however, are angered by Barkley's decision to sign with a division rival. Former Giant Tiki Barber is among those who have expressed frustration at this move, highlighting the boldness of such a decision and the implications it has for future matchups between the Giants and Barkley's new team.

Regardless of where one falls on the spectrum of emotions regarding Barkley's departure, it's hard to deny the positive impact that Joe Schoen, the Giants' general manager, has had in reshaping the team since the news broke. The addition of new offensive linemen and a top young pass rusher has bolstered both sides of the ball, addressing long-standing weaknesses and positioning the team for a more competitive future.

In a recent interview with Paul Schwartz of The New York Post, the Giants' beat writer since 1994, the changes within the team and the implications of Barkley's departure were discussed. The conversation shed light on the team's strategic decisions and the potential for success moving forward. As fans process the changes and look ahead to the upcoming season, the Giants' roster and coaching staff are poised to deliver a new era of competitiveness and excitement.

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