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Bishop Lamor Whitehead FBI Informant Allegations NYC Mayor Eric Adams

Bishop Lamor Whitehead found guilty of fraud, extortion, and lying to FBI, defends himself on Instagram, urging followers to research case.

Bishop Lamor Whitehead, known for his extravagant lifestyle, made headlines on Monday after being found guilty in federal court of wire fraud, attempted extortion, and lying to the FBI. The shocking news spread like wildfire across the internet, prompting Whitehead to address his followers on Instagram live. He expressed his intention to appeal the verdict, urging people to seek the truth and not jump to conclusions based on partial information. Despite the accusations against him, Whitehead maintained his faith and asked for sensitivity towards his family, emphasizing that he remains a man of God.

The trial in federal court in Manhattan revealed that Lamor Miller-Whitehead, 47, was convicted on five counts, including defrauding a parishioner of her retirement savings and attempting to extort money from a businessman. Prosecutors painted a picture of a man driven by greed, who used his supposed connections to Mayor Eric Adams to further his own interests. Additionally, Whitehead was accused of lying to FBI agents about owning a second cellphone, further complicating his legal troubles.

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams condemned Whitehead's actions, stating that he had betrayed the trust placed in him by a parishioner and engaged in deceitful practices to fund his extravagant lifestyle. This latest conviction adds to Whitehead's previous record of identity theft, painting a troubling picture of a man who abused his position of authority for personal gain.

The details of the case read like a script from a Lifetime movie, with Whitehead's actions mirroring those of a fictional character in a tale of betrayal and deception. The saga of "The Preacher Who Stole My Retirement Fund" serves as a cautionary reminder of the consequences of greed and dishonesty, even for those who profess to follow a higher calling.

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