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Billie Eilish, Ramy Youssef support Israel-Gaza ceasefire at Oscars

Celebrities at 2024 Oscars raise awareness for Israel-Gaza war, wearing red Artists4Ceasefire pins. Calls for ceasefire and humanitarian aid.

The 2024 Oscars marked the end of awards season, but celebrities used the platform to shed light on the Israel-Gaza war. Stars like Billie Eilish, Ava DuVernay, Mahershala Ali, Ramy Youssef, and Mark Ruffalo wore red Artists4Ceasefire pins, calling for an immediate and lasting ceasefire in Gaza.

The message was clear: peace and justice for the people of Palestine. The pins, worn by nominees like Kaouther Ben Hania and Nadim Cheikhrouha, symbolized solidarity in the fight for humanitarian aid and the safe return of hostages in Gaza.

Last fall, a letter signed by hundreds of actors, comedians, and musicians urged President Joe Biden to prioritize de-escalation and ceasefire in the region. The plea for the protection of innocent lives, regardless of faith or ethnicity, resonated with many in Hollywood.

Protesters in Hollywood echoed these sentiments, disrupting traffic with calls for an end to the conflict. Signs reading "No red carpet during genocide" and waving Palestinian flags highlighted the urgency of the situation.

President Biden's recent address emphasized the need for Israel to facilitate humanitarian aid in Gaza. Efforts to secure a ceasefire have faced challenges, with Hamas withholding support for a proposed six-week pause in hostilities.

In response, the U.S. military will launch an emergency mission to build a port on the Gaza coast to aid in aid delivery. Despite the UN General Assembly's call for a ceasefire in Gaza, the conflict continues to take a devastating toll on civilians.

The red pins worn by celebrities symbolize a collective plea for peace and compassion. Artists4Ceasefire's message of freedom, justice, and dignity resonates as the world watches the ongoing crisis unfold.

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