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DAMSEL: Netflix Fantasy Adventure Millie Bobby Brown Rotten Tomatoes Green Splat

Millie Bobby Brown stars in action-packed fantasy film 'Damsel' now on Netflix, with mixed reviews on Rotten Tomatoes. Will you watch?

Damsel, the latest fantasy action movie starring Millie Bobby Brown, has just been released on Netflix, and critics have already weighed in on Rotten Tomatoes.

The film, directed by Juan Carlos Fresnadillo, has received mixed reviews, currently holding a 56% rating on Rotten Tomatoes based on 45 reviews.

Opinions on the movie are divided, with some praising Brown's performance while others are less convinced. The dragon character, voiced by Shohreh Aghdashloo, has also received mixed feedback, with some finding it terrifying and others criticizing the CGI.

In Damsel, Brown plays Princess Elodie, who discovers she has been betrothed to Prince Henry as a sacrifice to a dragon. Left alone in the dragon's cave, Elodie decides to take matters into her own hands and defeat the beast herself.

Despite the varying reviews, some viewers may still be interested in watching Damsel to form their own opinions. The movie also features Nick Robinson, Angela Bassett, and Ray Winstone in supporting roles.

If you're curious about Damsel, check out a clip of Elodie preparing for battle and share your thoughts in the comments section.

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