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Lawmakers Expectations for Biden State of the Union Address

President Biden will address the country in the State of the Union, focusing on winning messages and addressing Congress's actions.

President Joe Biden is set to deliver a crucial State of the Union address on Thursday, where he will outline his achievements and address the actions taken by Congress. Lawmakers are gearing up for the speech and have discussed the upcoming government funding package.

Representative Andy Ogles, a Republican from Tennessee, anticipates that Biden will lay blame on Republicans and highlight his efforts to secure the border. However, Ogles believes that Biden needs to acknowledge the failures of his policies, particularly in light of the rising fentanyl deaths across the country.

Immigration remains a pressing issue, with Biden expected to urge GOP lawmakers to pass a bipartisan immigration bill. Recent polls have shown that immigration is a top concern for many voters.

Democratic Representative Lois Frankel from Florida is eager for Biden to discuss reproductive freedom and efforts to reduce costs for Americans. She highlights the importance of investing in housing, creating better job opportunities, and addressing various social issues.

The House recently passed a $460 billion spending bill to avoid a government shutdown. The legislation includes funding for critical programs such as hiring new air traffic controllers and rail safety inspectors, providing medical care for veterans, and supporting research and science initiatives.

Despite the urgency to pass the funding package, there are concerns about reaching a bipartisan agreement. Representative Dina Titus, a Republican from Nevada, believes that Democrats will need to rally together to ensure the bill's passage. However, she acknowledges the challenges of negotiating with Republicans who may prefer a government shutdown over funding certain services.

Overall, the upcoming State of the Union address and government funding package reflect the current political landscape in Washington, with both parties working towards their respective goals while navigating the complexities of bipartisan cooperation.

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