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Knox County School Board member seated and set to vote 45 hours post-Republican Primary election

New Knox County Board of Education member appointed after winning Republican Primary, vows to focus on school security and parental rights.

The newest member of the Knox County Board of Education is gearing up to cast his first vote on the board, just 45 hours after winning the Republican Primary election. Following the passing of board member Mike McMillan in January, the seat for District 8 was left vacant. With two candidates vying for the seat in the Republican Primary and none in the Democratic Primary, the Knox County Commission made it clear that the winner of the Republican primary would fill the seat.

In a special meeting on Wednesday, the commission voted to appoint Wright to the position on the Knox County Board of Education District 8. Shortly after being sworn in, Wright expressed his feelings about the whirlwind experience of his sudden appointment. As the board prepares to meet on Thursday, Wright is working closely with the law director's office and the board's secretary to navigate the learning curve and catch up on current issues for the upcoming meeting.

Wright, a father, Gibbs High School graduate, and small business owner, decided to run for the position due to his vested interest in the public school system, with his own son attending Gibbs Middle School. His priorities on the board will include school security, parental rights, and advocating for other school-related issues at the state level. Winning the Republican Primary by an 18-point margin against candidate Tommy Lakins, Wright was unanimously appointed to the Board of Education District 8 seat by the Knox County Commission, six months ahead of the usual timeline for taking office.

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