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Eli Lilly Launches Open Letter about Mounjaro® and Zepbound® Use

Lilly's Open Letter on Tirzepatide Medicines: Mounjaro and Zepbound should not be used for cosmetic weight loss. Patient safety is top priority.

believes that patient safety is paramount and will take all necessary actions to protect patients from potentially harmful counterfeit or compounded products.

In conclusion, Lilly is dedicated to providing safe and effective treatment options for patients with diabetes and obesity. Mounjaro and Zepbound are FDA-approved medications that should only be used as directed by a licensed healthcare professional. Patients should be cautious of counterfeit or compounded products claiming to be tirzepatide, as these products may pose serious health risks. Lilly encourages healthcare providers to reach out with any questions or concerns regarding the use of tirzepatide medicines. Patient safety is Lilly's top priority, and they are committed to ensuring the well-being of all individuals who rely on their medications for treatment.

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