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Dragon's Dogma 2 Pawns Callouts: Brutal Advice for Horny Players

Dragon's Dogma 2 players called out by Pawn voice lines in sequel, sparking controversy among fans and previewers. Release on March 22.

Dragon's Dogma 2 players are feeling pretty called out by some of the Pawn voice lines in the sequel. Yesterday, our big Dragon's Dogma 2 preview went live after spending a handful of hours with Capcom's dark RPG sequel. New gameplay videos have also surfaced online, and fans are noticing that Pawns can recall a time when their past master either hired an all-female troupe or had all their Pawns strip down to nothing.

Some players are interpreting this as a direct call-out to the more risqué behaviors of some Dragon's Dogma players. One player pointed out that Capcom seems to know exactly what players were up to in the original game, referencing a Pawn saying, "Curious thing: One of my former masters chose to hire only women. I wonder why?" It seems Capcom is aware of the player tendencies.

Players have attempted to justify their behavior in the original game, with some saying they preferred female Pawns for their combat prowess. One comment on Reddit mentions that players typically made female Pawns, leading others to summon female Pawns as well, as they were considered better in battle.

"I know my pawn is gonna be female, but only because I want to make my daughter in-game so we can go on adventures, and my partner is gonna do the same," reads one wholesome comment. Another player struggles to recall ever encountering a decent male Pawn in their time playing Dragon's Dogma.

In a surprising turn of events, one Dragon's Dogma 2 previewer was actually called out for their behavior in-game. Eurogamer reports that during their preview session, they were subtly accused of being a "pervert" by a Thief Pawn named Rose because they had an all-female Pawn party. It seems the game is not holding back on addressing player tendencies.

Dragon's Dogma 2 is set to release later this month on March 22 across PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S systems. Game director Hideaki Itsuno has mentioned that GTA 5 served as an inspiration for Dragon's Dogma 2's open world, particularly in handling chaotic events.

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