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Bohemian Grove: The elites club linked to Ryan Garcia's alleged abduction

Boxing champ Ryan Garcia prioritizes mental and physical health in upcoming training camp. Bohemian Grove urban legends remain unverified.

Ryan Garcia has recently been stirring up controversy on Twitter by making bold claims about Bohemian Grove, a mysterious location located in the north of San Francisco that has been shrouded in urban legends for years. But what is the truth behind these legends? Established by a group of journalists who called themselves Bohemians, this exclusive club originated at the San Francisco Examiner offices back in 1872. Today, the club continues to operate with an annual summer camp that remains largely hidden from the public eye. With no website, email contact, application process, or membership waitlist, Bohemian Grove remains an invite-only club.

In the late 1990s, the world caught a glimpse of Bohemian Grove when guerrilla journalist Alex Jones released footage of an alleged satanic ritual taking place at the grove. Jones, who had attempted to gain access to the club but was repeatedly denied, managed to sneak onto the property and capture the ritual on film. However, the true nature of what occurred that night remains a mystery, as only Jones's account of the events is known. The club's headquarters in San Francisco is a far cry from the secluded forest compound where the elite gatherings are said to take place. A plaque featuring an owl etching with the inscription "Weaving Spiders Come Not Here" serves as the club's motto, derived from Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'.

Located fifty miles north of San Francisco in Monte Rio, Bohemian Grove sits amidst a 2,700-acre private camp surrounded by ancient redwoods. It is here that the club hosts its annual summer event, a tradition that has spanned over a century and a half. Jones's video purportedly shows a ritual where a human effigy is sacrificed to a large wooden owl, which is then worshipped by cloaked high priests amidst fireworks and prayers. While rumors of nefarious activities at Bohemian Grove have circulated for years, the club is most notably recognized for hosting a meeting related to the Manhattan Project in September 1942, leading to the creation of the atomic bomb. However, many of the other stories surrounding the grove remain unverified and are often dismissed as conspiracy theories.

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