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Chicago Bears trade for Buffalo Bills OL Ryan Bates

Chicago Bears trade for offensive lineman Ryan Bates from Buffalo Bills pending physical, adding versatility to their line. Salary cap relief for Bills.

The Chicago Bears have successfully acquired offensive lineman Ryan Bates from the Buffalo Bills in exchange for a fifth-round pick. This trade was announced by both teams on Monday night, pending a physical and set to be finalized at the start of the NFL's new business year on March 13.

Bates, at 27 years old, brings versatility to the Bears' offensive line with his ability to play multiple positions. Despite being limited to just 35 snaps last season due to Buffalo's healthy offensive line, Bates has shown his value with 19 starts in 73 career games.

Chicago's pursuit of Bates dates back to 2022 when they signed him to an offer sheet as a restricted free agent. However, the Bills matched the Bears' contract offer of $17 million over four years to retain Bates.

With three offensive linemen set to become free agents next week, including starters Lucas Patrick and Cody Whitehair, the Bears' acquisition of Bates provides much-needed depth and flexibility. This move also helps the cap-strapped Bills free up approximately $1.4 million in payroll, as they entered the offseason projected to be $44 million over the cap for 2024.

Bates, an undrafted free agent out of Penn State in 2019, has proven himself as a reliable lineman in the league. His experience and skill set will be valuable assets to the Bears as they look to strengthen their offensive line for the upcoming season.

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