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Booker T Discusses Sting and Darby Allin's Connection Before AEW Revolution 2024

Sting's successful AEW run with Darby Allin discussed by Booker T on recent podcast. AEW's profitability and PPV model analyzed.

In a recent episode of his "Hall of Fame" podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Booker T delved into Sting's impact on AEW, his partnership with Darby Allin, and his upcoming retirement match at AEW Revolution 2024 pay-per-view event.

Booker T expressed his lack of surprise at Sting's successful run in AEW alongside Darby Allin. He praised Sting's humility and noted that Darby played a crucial role in their partnership, representing Sting while also acting as a mentor. Booker T highlighted Sting's ability to retire on his own terms and praised him for his resilience in the face of naysayers.

When discussing the pricing strategy for AEW PPV events, Booker T acknowledged the success of WWE's model but recognized the necessity for AEW to stick with the traditional pay-per-view format due to their current position in the market. He speculated on the profitability of AEW's pay-per-view events and the challenges they face in turning a profit, citing the high costs associated with producing live shows.

Booker T drew from his own experience running Reality of Wrestling to emphasize the financial challenges that come with starting a wrestling company, suggesting that AEW may be facing similar hurdles in their early years. Despite the financial strain, Booker T commended AEW for their ambition and determination to create a compelling product for fans.

Overall, Booker T's insights shed light on the complexities of running a wrestling promotion and the financial realities that companies like AEW must navigate in order to succeed in a competitive industry.

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