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Leclerc: Bahrain F1 qualifying gap to Red Bull closer than timesheets

Leclerc surprised by Ferrari's close gap to Red Bull in Bahrain qualifying. Optimistic for race. Ferrari's race pace improved from last year.

Charles Leclerc expressed his surprise at Ferrari's close deficit to Red Bull during qualifying in Bahrain, stating that the gap was smaller than it appeared on the timesheets. Despite finishing two-tenths behind Verstappen's fastest time in the final shootout, Leclerc believed his Q2 time would have been good enough for pole position.

Leclerc admitted that he disagreed with Ferrari's cautious approach in Q1, opting to save a set of fresh Soft tires for Q3. This decision left him with one less set of fresh tires compared to Verstappen in the final session. When asked if Ferrari's conservative strategy in Q1 cost him a chance to challenge Verstappen, Leclerc acknowledged that there were missed opportunities but was pleased with the overall performance.

The Monegasque driver acknowledged that he could have found more pace in the final stage to match Verstappen's time, which exceeded expectations for both him and Ferrari. Despite struggling in the first sector throughout the weekend, Leclerc remained hopeful that the team could overcome these challenges in the race.

Ferrari has focused on improving its race pace this season, addressing wind sensitivity issues from the previous year. Leclerc expressed optimism about the car's performance in race conditions, noting a significant improvement in overall balance and consistency compared to last season.

Overall, Leclerc's comments highlighted Ferrari's progress and competitiveness in Bahrain, emphasizing the team's potential for strong race performance despite facing challenges in qualifying.

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