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Monty Williams criticizes NBA officials for 'worst call of the season' in Pistons loss

Monty Williams rips NBA officials after Pistons' loss to Knicks, says missed call was "worst of the season." Click to view.

Detroit Pistons head coach Monty Williams expressed his frustration and anger with NBA officials after his team's controversial loss to the New York Knicks. Williams was visibly upset, feeling that a foul should have been called when Knicks' guard Donte DiVincenzo collided with Pistons rookie Ausur Thompson's legs during the final moments of the game.

Williams described the call as "the absolute worst of the season," emphasizing that the team had a chance to win the game and that the no-call on the play was an "abomination." He expressed his exasperation with the recurring issues and emphasized the need for a fair game to be called in the NBA.

After the controversial play, DiVincenzo gained possession of the ball, leading to a go-ahead basket by Josh Hart with only 2.8 seconds left in the game. Williams used this as an example of the ongoing challenges the team has faced throughout the season and stressed that it was time for a change.

NBA crew chief James Williams later admitted that the officials had indeed missed a call, acknowledging that Thompson should have been awarded a loose-ball foul against DiVincenzo.

The loss put the Pistons at 8-49 for the season, while the Knicks improved to 35-23, strengthening their position in the playoff race.

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