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Wake Forest fans collide with Duke star Kyle Filipowski while storming court

Duke's Kyle Filipowski was injured in a court-storming incident, reigniting the debate on the dangers of fans rushing the court.

Kyle Filipowski recently found himself part of the discussion on the dangers of court-storming, after his team suffered an upset loss. The 7-foot Duke star was injured in a collision with a fan after the eighth-ranked Blue Devils lost at Wake Forest. He expressed his frustration over the lack of protection for athletes in such situations. The incident with Filipowski offered a reminder of the risk facing athletes and coaching staffs during court-storming. Duke coach Jon Scheyer called for a ban on court-storming due to the potential danger it poses to players. The incident at Wake Forest has reignited the debate over court-storming and its potential risks. It has also prompted discussions about making changes to prevent similar incidents in the future. The incident at Wake Forest put a damper on the afterglow of what had been a rousing performance, prompting the coach to express concerns over the safety of court-storming.

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