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Professional golfer Georgia Ball 'mansplaining' TikTok video viral

Female PGA pro Georgia Ball's video of a man "mansplaining" her golf swing goes viral, racking up 10 million views and 26,000 comments.

Georgia Ball, a professional female golfer and certified PGA pro and instructor, recently found herself in an awkward situation when a video of an amateur player "mansplaining" her swing went viral. In the video, which has garnered over 10 million views and 26,000 comments, Ball is seen practicing her swing at a driving range near Liverpool when a man off camera insists that she is doing it wrong.

Despite the man's unsolicited advice, Ball remained composed and did not confront him, explaining that she is a humble person. She clarified that she was going through a "swing change," a common practice among golfers to improve their technique, but the man continued to offer his advice based on his 20 years of experience playing golf.

Despite the awkwardness of the encounter, Ball can now see the funny side of the situation and has received support from social media users who have mocked the man for "mansplaining." When asked about her reaction to the interaction, Ball stated that she was concentrating on her practice at the time and did not feel the need to put the man in his place. She also mentioned that she never got the chance to see the man hit a ball, so she refrained from commenting on his swing.

This incident sheds light on the challenges that female athletes and professionals often face in male-dominated sports and industries. Despite the mansplaining, Ball's composure and professionalism have earned her widespread respect and support from the online community.

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