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Flaco owl, Central Park Zoo, dead, hitting building

"New York's beloved owl, Flaco, dies after escaping Central Park Zoo in 2023. Vandalism blamed. Wildlife Conservation Society seeks justice."

Tragedy struck the hearts of New Yorkers as Flaco, the beloved Eurasian eagle-owl, met his untimely demise after a year of captivating the city with his escapades. The Central Park Zoo was left in shock when Flaco fled his enclosure following an act of vandalism, and despite numerous attempts to recapture him, he evaded authorities and became a popular attraction in Central Park.

Sadly, Flaco collided with a building in Manhattan and was declared dead despite the efforts of the Wild Bird Fund. The Wildlife Conservation Society expressed their sorrow and emphasized that the vandal who damaged Flaco's exhibit is ultimately responsible for his death. They are hopeful that the NYPD, who are investigating the vandalism, will make an arrest.

Flaco, with a wingspan of up to 6 feet, was one of the world's largest owls and had been monitored by the society throughout the year. The Eurasian eagle-owl, known for its nocturnal hunting habits, can live up to 20 years in the wild and up to 60 years in captivity.

The Wildlife Conservation Society expressed their gratitude for the support and concern shown for Flaco and promised to provide further information once a necropsy is performed. The loss of Flaco has left a void in the hearts of New Yorkers, and his legacy will be remembered for years to come.

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