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Wendy Williams diagnosed frontotemporal dementia aphasia

Wendy Williams, 59, stepped away from her show due to health issues. Her team aims to correct rumors and raise awareness.

Wendy Williams, a 59-year-old television host, made the difficult decision to step away from "The Wendy Williams Show" in 2022 due to ongoing health issues, including Graves' disease and lymphedema. In response to rumors about her health, her team released a statement aiming to correct inaccuracies and hurtful rumors. Despite her evolving health challenges, Williams is able to do many things for herself and remains in good spirits with her trademark sense of humor.

In 2023, Williams received a diagnosis of primary progressive aphasia and frontotemporal dementia (FTD), the same diagnosis received by actor Bruce Willis in 2022. Aphasia, a condition that affects communication and language, along with frontotemporal dementia, a progressive disorder impacting behavior and cognitive function, present significant hurdles in her life.

Williams sought medical help when she began to experience difficulties with language, erratic behavior, and understanding financial transactions. Her loved ones made the difficult decision to share the diagnosis in order to advocate for understanding and compassion for Wendy and to raise awareness about these conditions. The release emphasized the stigma and misunderstanding faced by individuals with aphasia and frontotemporal dementia, particularly when they exhibit behavioral changes without a diagnosis.

In an effort to educate the public and reduce stigma, Williams' team hopes that more people will seek medical help before their condition progresses, as she did. A new two-part documentary, "Where is Wendy Williams?" follows her journey since stepping away from public life and is set to air on Lifetime on Feb. 24 and 25. This documentary aims to provide insight into her experiences and raise awareness about cognitive conditions.

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