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Jayo Archer: X Games Medalist Dies at 27 Practicing Historic Trick

Motocross athlete Jayden "Jayo" Archer, known for his triple backflip, died at 27. Travis Pastrana reflects on his impact.

Renowned X Games medalist and pioneering athlete, Jayden "Jayo" Archer, tragically passed away at the age of 27 while practicing his signature triple backflip in Melbourne, Australia. His relentless pursuit of excellence and commitment to pushing the boundaries of motocross made him a cherished figure within the Australian motocross community and Nitro Circus, the adrenaline-fueled action sports crew founded by Travis Pastrana.

Archer's impact on the sports world was profound, as reflected by Pastrana, who spoke about the loss, stating that Jayo always wanted to do the big tricks, even when there weren't many places to showcase them. He described Archer as a great human first, a hard worker second, and a bad motherf -- er third, emphasizing his dedication and work ethic.

Archer's legacy was solidified when he executed the first triple backflip in a competitive setting at the Nitro World Games in Brisbane, Australia in November 2022. This incredible feat was the result of three years of relentless training, marked by numerous setbacks and injuries, which Archer described as profoundly transformative. He expressed his dedication to the moment, despite the obstacles and challenges he faced along the way.

The loss of Jayden "Jayo" Archer is a tragic reminder of the risks and sacrifices that athletes make in pursuit of their passion. His impact on the motocross community and the sports world as a whole will be remembered and celebrated for years to come.

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