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Porto announcer celebrates miss against Arsenal with blaring music

Diogo Jota set to be out for two months! Liverpool HAVE to be third favourites in this three-horse race.

Liverpool's Diogo Jota is set to be out for two months, leaving the team in a difficult position as they navigate a three-horse race. In a surprising turn of events during Porto's Champions League match against Arsenal, winger Galeno missed a golden opportunity to score, resulting in confusion and disbelief from the stadium announcer and fans. The miss was so shocking that music began playing to celebrate what was thought to be a goal, only to be abruptly turned off when it became clear that the ball had not gone in. This unexpected turn of events left fans and pundits bewildered, with many expressing disbelief at the miss on social media. Despite the initial miss, Galeno ultimately redeemed himself by scoring in stoppage time, securing a 1-0 lead for Porto in the match. The unexpected twists and turns of the game left everyone on the edge of their seats, proving that anything can happen in the world of football.

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