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Porky's actor Tony Ganios dies at 64

'Porky's' actor Tony Ganios dies at 64 after surgery. Fiancee shares heartbreaking message and photos. Fans mourn the loss of beloved actor.

American actor Tony Ganios, who is best known for his role as Meat in the movie 'Porky's,' passed away on February 18 at the age of 64 after undergoing surgery at a hospital in New York. The news was shared by his fiancee, who posted a photo of the two holding hands on X, expressing her love and grief. She later tweeted a photo of Ganios with a heartfelt caption, emphasizing the depth of their love and connection.

Ganios gained recognition for his roles in 1980s teen comedies and action films, often portraying rough, muscular characters that required physical presence and toughness. He made his film debut in 'The Wanderers' and went on to appear in the crime series 'Wiseguy.' However, his most iconic role was as Meat in the 'Porky's' series, a bawdy comedy about a group of high school friends seeking revenge on a nightclub owner.

Despite facing criticism from critics, the film became a commercial success and spawned two sequels. Ganios also appeared in 'Die Hard 2' and semi-retired from acting after working on 'Rising Sun.' In a 2015 interview, he expressed his mixed feelings about returning to acting, citing the challenges of the entertainment industry.

Born in Brooklyn, Ganios is survived by his fiancee, Amanda. His passing marks the end of an era for fans of his work and the entertainment industry as a whole.

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