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Kevin Ollie demands greater effort as interim head coach: Nets

Nets interim head coach Kevin Ollie demands maximum effort and energy from his team, with the goal of securing a permanent position.

Kevin Ollie, the interim head coach of the Brooklyn Nets, expressed his understanding of the team's struggles under the previous coach's leadership. He acknowledged that the lack of energy and effort from the players contributed to the team's poor performance. Ollie emphasized that he expects nothing less than the players' absolute best in every game.

During his introductory news conference, Ollie emphasized his coaching style and the high standards he sets for the team. He emphasized the importance of energy-generating behaviors and the need for the players to be active participants in the game. Ollie's coaching philosophy centers around the idea of being hunters, and he made it clear that those who do not put in the effort will not play.

Mikal Bridges, a player for the Nets, echoed Ollie's sentiments, expressing his belief that everyone in the organization is committed to winning. He highlighted the significance of accountability and the collective desire to achieve the team's goals.

Bridges also shared his positive impression of Ollie's impact in the locker room, emphasizing the coach's focus on winning and doing the little things right. He acknowledged that the coaching change had been unexpected but expressed confidence in Ollie's ability to lead the team to success.

With 28 games remaining in the season, the Nets face a challenging schedule as they strive to secure a spot in the playoffs. Ollie emphasized the need for immediate improvement in effort and energy, acknowledging the limited time available to implement significant changes. He stressed the importance of controlling what the team can and focusing on building a foundation for success.

Despite the time constraints, Ollie is determined to make a positive impact and is eager to earn the permanent coaching position with the Nets. He emphasized the importance of building strong relationships with the players and maintaining transparency and accountability. Ollie's ultimate goal is to be the best coach he can be and lead the team to success through competitiveness, unity, and relationship-building.

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