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GOP Civil War deepens as Senators claim McConnell threw party's voters under the bus on Ukraine, border - LewRockwell

Mitch McConnell has been in office for a long time, and his actions have caused controversy and frustration among many.

Mitch McConnell has been in office for a long time, and his appearance and demeanor seem to match. He is smooth, charismatic, and even sexy in his own way. His words in 2015 about being the "Grim Reaper" when it came to Obama's Supreme Court nominee show his true nature as a political killer. He has pushed agendas and bills that benefit certain industries and individuals, while hindering others. He has also held up important relief funds and aid packages, causing harm to those in need. His actions and decisions have been criticized by many, including those within his own party. When Trump signed the USMCA NAFTA replacement, McConnell was given the honor of announcing it, but the sight of him and his colleagues at the podium was described as unbearable and repugnant. Overall, McConnell's actions and decisions have been controversial and have caused harm to many, leading to criticism and disdain from those who have observed his actions.

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