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Boy Meets World Star Regrets Supporting Brian Peck in Child Sex Assault Case

"Boy Meets World" star Will Friedle reveals shame over supporting Brian Peck in child sexual assault case, struggles to reconcile actions.

"Boy Meets World" actor Will Friedle recently opened up about his deep regret and shame for defending Brian Peck, a guest star on the show who was later arrested for lewd acts with a minor. Friedle, along with his co-star Rider Strong, supported Peck in court and wrote letters to the judge on his behalf, only to later realize they had been manipulated and were actually supporting the abuser rather than the victim.

Friedle expressed his difficulty in coming to terms with his actions, admitting that he has not been able to get over the fact that he was on the wrong side of the courtroom, surrounded by other child actors who had been manipulated by Peck. Peck was ultimately convicted and served a 16-month prison sentence for sexually abusing a minor.

During the podcast episode, the cast members also recalled their experiences with Peck on set, noting that he had ingratiated himself with them and spent time with them outside of work. However, they later realized that they had been manipulated by Peck, who failed to make an effort to get to know all of the cast members and did not maintain contact after the show ended.

Friedle emphasized that the incident does not affect his memory of the show, but rather has impacted him personally as an individual. While Strong expressed discomfort in discussing the details, Friedle predicted that viewers will be able to separate the incident from their memories of the show.

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