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Katy Perry checked out American Idol and looks over her last season

Katy Perry has announced she's leaving American Idol, sparking rumors of who will replace her. Miley Cyrus is reportedly a top contender.

Katy Perry has announced that she will be leaving American Idol, and fans are already speculating about her replacement. The first episode of the season has left some fans convinced that Katy has already mentally checked out. While some are glad to see her go, others are expressing their disappointment at her departure. Following Katy's announcement, ABC has reportedly begun the search for her replacement. Names like Jennifer Lopez, Shania Twain, and Miley Cyrus are being considered, with Miley emerging as a strong contender due to her Grammy wins and popularity with a younger audience. However, there is some concern over Miley's outspoken nature and the potential for controversy. Despite her public announcement, there are some who hope that Katy may reconsider her decision to leave the show. In her explanation, Katy expressed her love for American Idol but also her desire to explore new opportunities, such as performing at the Rock in Rio music festival. Ultimately, the search for Katy's replacement and the future of American Idol continues to generate buzz and speculation.

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