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Adam Sandler accepts People's Choice Award pretending it's People's Sexiest Man

Adam Sandler wins People's Icon Award at 49th annual People's Choice Awards, delivers hilarious and heartfelt acceptance speech.

Adam Sandler received the People's Icon Award at the 49th annual People's Choice Awards on February 18, and his acceptance speech was anything but ordinary.

Before acknowledging the win, Sandler made sure to thank his friend and collaborator, Jennifer Aniston, who presented him with the award. Bantering back and forth, Sandler and Aniston joked about their nerves and Sandler's lack of preparation for such a big night.

Sandler then revealed that he misheard his agent on the phone and thought he had won People Magazine's Sexiest Man Alive. He proceeded to deliver a hilarious and self-deprecating speech, embracing his goofy side and poking fun at his physical appearance.

The comedian also took a moment to express his gratitude to those who have been a part of his movies, as well as his friends and family, including his wife and daughters.

Sandler's acceptance speech was a perfect blend of humor and heartfelt appreciation, showcasing his unique charm and wit. His unexpected and lighthearted approach to accepting the award left the audience in stitches and further solidified his status as a beloved and iconic figure in the entertainment industry.

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