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Ian Machado Garry UFC 298: Split Decision Win Over Geoff Neal

Ian Machado Garry claimed a split decision victory over Geoff Neal at UFC 298 amid controversy, calling out Colby Covington.

Ian Machado Garry secured a hard-fought split decision win over Geoff Neal at UFC 298, marking a triumphant return to the octagon following months of controversy and criticism. The judges scored the fight 30-27, 28-29, 30-27 in favor of Machado Garry, who didn't hold back in addressing his detractors and embracing the role of the villain.

Throughout the evening, Machado Garry faced a chorus of boos from the audience, and after his victory, he wasted no time in calling out Colby Covington, vowing to retire the 35-year-old fighter due to his disparaging remarks about Machado Garry's wife, Layla. The Irishman had previously expressed his intent to confront Sean Strickland for derogatory comments about his wife, and Covington had also made derogatory remarks about Layla.

In a post-fight interview with Joe Rogan, Machado Garry defiantly responded to his critics, stating, "I'm undefeated, winning, keep talking, you're watching me." He also expressed his desire to face Covington, emphasizing his determination to become a world champion.

The controversy surrounding Machado Garry and his wife Layla has been a hot topic in the MMA world, with false rumors and online trolling adding to the scrutiny. Layla's ex-husband, Richard Cullen, has been a central figure in the discussion, as he serves as Machado Garry's nutritionist. Machado Garry clarified that Cullen's role is strictly professional and beneficial to his career, emphasizing the positive impact Cullen has had on his UFC weight cuts.

Despite the distractions, Machado Garry displayed impressive movement and precision kicks in his fight against Neal, ultimately securing the victory and maintaining his undefeated record in the UFC. With 14 wins from 14 matches, Machado Garry is determined to continue his ascent in the UFC ranks.

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