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Black Internet rises Kelly Rowland defense alleged Today Show walkout

Kelly Rowland walked out of the Today Show over a subpar dressing room, sparking backlash and support from the Black community.

Kelly Rowland made a bold statement today, showing the world that disrespect will not be tolerated, and the black internet community rallied behind her. The incident occurred during her appearance on the Today Show, where she was set to promote her new Netflix movie and guest host on the fourth hour. However, she abruptly left the show due to issues with her dressing room, which was described as sub-par and a glorified closet. The show reportedly offered other options, but Rowland and her team were not satisfied. This caused a last-minute scramble for the show to find a replacement.

Following the incident, some individuals, including Bethenny Frankel, criticized Rowland, calling her a diva and questioning her right to demand respect. However, the black internet community quickly came to Rowland's defense, highlighting the double standards faced by black women when asking for equal treatment. They questioned why Rowland was being labeled as dramatic for having standards, while Jennifer Lopez, who was also present at the show, did not face the same criticism.

Various TikTok users expressed their support for Rowland, emphasizing the importance of celebrities having boundaries and the need for equal treatment. They also pointed out that this was not the first time the show had thrown shade at Rowland, as host Savannah Guthrie diverted attention to Beyoncé during her earlier appearance.

In conclusion, the incident sparked a conversation about equality and respect for black women in the entertainment industry. It also showcased the unwavering support of Rowland's fans and the black internet community.

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